Wednesday, October 26, 2011

here comes the sun

Yesterday when Lulu's bedroom was awash with warm orange light first thing in the morning we almost didn't know what it was.
Are they shooting a film next door and using large lights?
Did the street lamp get a newer brighter bulb?
No wait, I think it's actually the sun!
We almost starting jumping up and down on the spot.
The sun, the sun! where or where have you been?
of course it only lasted until after lunch. sigh..
Is it me, or has it been endlessly rainy and dreary this fall?
Aside from a gloriously warm Thanksgiving weekend, I can't remember the last we time shuffled though the autumn leaves, and stared in awe at all the beautiful colours on the trees.
Lulu is usually busy collecting leaves to and from school, not this year.
Instead we've been hiding under an umbrella for most of October.
I'm definitely getting my moneys worth out of my Hunters.
I just hope Halloween isn't a bust.
Nothing worse than a rainy night for trick or treating.
Wah wah.

I haven't been writing much these days.
I seriously can't believe how fast the days fly by.
There just never seems to be a spare minute to sit down and just think and reflect.
When I do get a second to myself, I feel like I'm always compiling To-do lists in my head instead of just thinking about what has already been accomplished.
Either that or I end up writing about mundane things like the weather.
Have things really come to this?
I guess my brain is just tired.
Perhaps it's a lack of creative stimulation, or maybe I'm just feeling a little parental burn out.
Either way, I'd love to turn things around.
Finish a good book, see an interesting film.
Go to an art gallery.
Maybe a little time out from car pooling, play-dates, taking care of sick puppies & children and grocery shopping might just do the trick.
Well that, and if the sun makes another appearance soon..

another gratuitous puppy picture, I know.
I can't help myself.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sound Bites

There are days when I feel like I'm a 27 year old trapped in a 40 year old's body.
Sure I'm responsible and for the most part, fairly mature when it comes to life, don't get me wrong.
Then again I was pretty responsible at 27 too.
But when it comes to music, I feel very different from my fellow peers and other moms.
I love discovering new bands (even better when they are easy on the eyes)

I can't tell you how many dinner parties that we have gone to and the music is just BAD.
I mean Rock Lobster? realllY?
and Love shack by The B-52's?
And do we really need to hear more Lady GaGa? do we?
It's always too loud and then the obligatory dance in the same spot around the kitchen island embarrassment ensues.
Myself or big daddy try our best not to partake, regardless of how much Pinot was consumed.
I draw the line at being a dancing cougar.
I love my friends, don't get me wrong, but man their taste in music is quite frankly...awful.
Or at least in my not-so-humble-opinion.
(and if I know you and you are reading this you most likely do not fall into this category)

There is the type of music you play when you have friends for dinner and are trying to have a conversation, then the kind you just want to party to, and then there is the kind you play when you are in your car, there's the cooking dinner variety and then the early morning get up and go (or even better ease into the day kind)
My point is, there's so much great music out there that has a time and a place.
With itunes, Satellite radio & the awesome app. 8tracks, there really shouldn't be an excuse for listening to bad music.
Then again, maybe these are the reasons for all the bad music.
Too much to choose from.

Big daddy & I were out for dinner last weekend and the restaurant we were at was playing THE WORST music.
It completely ruined our dining experience.
That being said the previous weekend we were out as well and this restaurant was playing THE BEST music.
We didn't want to leave.
That's the way it should be.

So speaking of good music...
This is what's been in rotation around here these days around my place.

The Antlers- Burst Apart
Foster The People- Torches
Iron & Wine - Kiss Each Other Clean (going to see then live on Saturday!!)
Little Dragon- Ritual Union
Beirut- The Rip Tide
Bon Iver- For Emma
Kings Of Convienence- everything they've ever done
Angus & Julia Stone- Hollywood
Azure Ray- Wake Up Sleepy Head
Elephant Parade- Bedroom recordings
Rosie Thomas- All The way From Michigan
SeaBear- The Ghost That Carried Us Away
Sufjan Stevens- Seven Swans
Fleet Foxes- Fleetfoxes
The Go Find- Stars On The Wall
Gem Club- Breakers (so hauntingly beautiful)
Kings Of Leon- these boys..huge crush on all the Followells.
Hot Chip- The Warning
Waldecks Gramaphone
Francis England- Mind Of My Own, Lulu knows all the cute.
Stan Getz- Standards
Roger Miller- Classic

Okay so maybe the vast majority of this music isn't really music to party to.
Then again it depends on what you define as a good party...

What are you listening to these days?