Friday, May 24, 2013

a thread of creativity

I used to think I was a fairly creative person.
But somewhere along the path of parenthood I feel like I've lost that part of myself.
And I miss it.
For me feeling creative is a huge part of being happy.

There are so many ways to feel inspired and creative, but it all seems to be contingent on time.
Or lack-there-of.
I do however try to find little ways to inject a bit of creativity into day to day life, but as much as I try to make things like cooking and home making "creative," most of the time it just boils down to getting things on the table that are fast, healthy and that everyone will eat without complaint.
So much for making it look photo blog worthy.
Those days seem so far away...sigh..

When I think of all the fun & creative programs that Lulu is involved in,  I can't help but feel a little envious.
I'm thrilled that she gets the opportunity to be a part of so many amazing activities throughout the city, but heck I would love to do some of the same things.
I think it would be awesome if I had the chance to take an art or pottery class or have the time to study a musical instrument or  even take a dance class.
I'd love to learn a new language, take a foreign cooking class (I'm dying to learn how to cook authentic Japanese or Indian food) or maybe even take a creative writing course.
And how great would it be if I knew how to actually sew?
Not to mention if I had the chance to learn more about technology.
I feel like a dinosaur when it comes to computer navigation.
And even though computers (in my humble opinion) can suck a persons creative spirit, they also come in handy when trying to find inspiration.
I just wish I wasn't so intimidated by them.

My creative wish list is long, but it's so difficult to find the time when you have small kids.
Maybe it's a bit of an excuse, but it's true.
There just aren't enough hours in the day.
Or are there?

So I'm thinking that I would like to change things up a bit.
It's time to make the time.
Even if it's just a hour here or there.
Just like exercise, which for me is essential, I need to flex a little creative muscle so that this part of me never dies.
Because like I said, for me feeling creative equals happiness.

So first things first.....

  • Spend some time alone. You don't have to be anti-social, but many people find their creativity really starts to open up when they are removed from others and able to have quiet focus for their creative work. Use a little bit of alone-time to brainstorm about your art. Spend the time right before you go to sleep — and right after you wake up — to journal some of your ideas. Many artists find that they are at their creative peaks right after they wake up in the morning.

Could be a challenge this weekend, but I'm going to try.
Wish me luck.

How about you? What do you do to feel creative?
Would love to know.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I blog! It used to be my primary source of creativity. Now I'm dabbling in blog design and some non-fiction writing, and it helps, too. I am amazed at how a little time spent "making" something can make me feel so happy. So much for the idea of the tortured artist - more like the tortured non-artist!