I've always considered myself to be a fairly organized person, or at least I try to be.
But sometimes life gets in the way and things get busy.
so I came across this idea and I'm going with it.
I think it's a great way to stay on top of things, yet not feel overwhelmed at the the never ending piles of things to do around here at casa petitegourmand.
Join the Challenge (at any time)
Day 1 - Junk Drawer & Cutlery drawer
Day 2 - craft supplies & lulu's art work (take digital images of everything & put them in the ol' circular file a.k.a. the garbage)
Day 3 - Tupperware drawer (quite a collection going after all those wild tupperware parties I go to each month..kidding..)
Day 4 - Linen Closet
Day 5 - The shed and gardening tools
Day 6 - Dresser Drawers (specifically the sock situation. Get rid of all old socks and buy new fresh ones for the winter. Already did the underwear drawer last week and it's changed my life. Is there anything better than a drawer full of brand new, perfectly fitting ginch?)
Day 7 - The Pantry (otherwise known as my one food cupboard in my tiny kitchen)
Day 8 - Coat Closet
Day 9 - Toy organization
Day 10 - Laundry area
Day 11 - The Freezer
Day 12 - Spice Cabinet (remember to replace anything older than one year, nothing worse than stale cumin)
Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet (check expiration dates!!)
Day 14 - Under bathroom sinks
Day 15 - home office- edit magazines
Day 16 - The Fridge (do I really need eight types of mustard?)
Day 17 - edit books- (keep the keepers, donate the others to the library)
Day 18 - make-up, cosmetics and lipsticks (that stuff expires too, I'm pretty sure I have nine year old eye shadows.. I know, gross)
Day 19 - Master Closet & big daddy's "Not-So-Master" closet
Day 20 - Photos (this may take another 21 days!)
Day 21 - bookmarks (specifically all the blogs that no longer exist, have moved or that I no longer read)
wish me luck.
Edited to add: I think I'm on day 13 and I am nowhere close to doing what I had planned on doing.
Talk about being overly ambitious.
Instead of beating myself up over it, I'll get to that stuff when I get to it.
Like I said, sometimes life just gets in the way.
well that and when the tempeture is in the high twenties and the sun is shining, who really needs to be inside organizing?
To be continued in November..