edited to add
Lulu just asked me "Will Obama make the city a better place?"
me "well yes sweetie, in a way- but more like he will make the world a better place"
Lulu "wow the whole verld!!! pronounced like an old Ukrainian woman.
"That's amazing!!!"
me "he's the new president of the United States sweetie, we have a prime minister here in Canada."
Lulu "but why can't WE have a president Obama?"
Me " very good question...."
"Will President Obama make it summer?"
me "no sweetie, but wouldn't that be nice..."
love that. while i read this US I'ts a Beautiful Day is playing...perfect.
Love it!
(and now I know how much Lulu looks like you!)
Wow - she looks EXACTLY like you - gorgeous!
Great T - what a totally cool kid :)
OMG so cute... it's the expression.
I bet Obama COULD make it summer!
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