Yesterday when Lulu's bedroom was awash with warm orange light first thing in the morning we almost didn't know what it was.
Are they shooting a film next door and using large lights?
Did the street lamp get a newer brighter bulb?
No wait, I think it's actually the sun!
We almost starting jumping up and down on the spot.
The sun, the sun! where or where have you been?
of course it only lasted until after lunch. sigh..
Is it me, or has it been endlessly rainy and dreary this fall?
Aside from a gloriously warm Thanksgiving weekend, I can't remember the last we time shuffled though the autumn leaves, and stared in awe at all the beautiful colours on the trees.
Lulu is usually busy collecting leaves to and from school, not this year.
Instead we've been hiding under an umbrella for most of October.
I'm definitely getting my moneys worth out of my Hunters.
I just hope Halloween isn't a bust.
Nothing worse than a rainy night for trick or treating.
Wah wah.
I haven't been writing much these days.
I seriously can't believe how fast the days fly by.
There just never seems to be a spare minute to sit down and just think and reflect.
When I do get a second to myself, I feel like I'm always compiling To-do lists in my head instead of just thinking about what has already been accomplished.
Either that or I end up writing about mundane things like the weather.
Have things really come to this?
I guess my brain is just tired.
Perhaps it's a lack of creative stimulation, or maybe I'm just feeling a little parental burn out.
Either way, I'd love to turn things around.
Finish a good book, see an interesting film.
Go to an art gallery.
Maybe a little time out from car pooling, play-dates, taking care of sick puppies & children and grocery shopping might just do the trick.
Well that, and if the sun makes another appearance soon..
another gratuitous puppy picture, I know.
I can't help myself.
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