Ahh..another holiday season has come to an end (unless of course, you are Ukrainian)
We kept the gifts to a minimum this year, in fact big daddy and I got each other zip. zero. zilch.
nothing to return or exchange.
I, err.. Santa... brought Lulu her cake(s) as promised.
and on a whim, and under holiday duress and in last minute panic mode, decided to buy Lulu a Leapster.
A few moms in the same aisle at Toys R us raved about them, so I went with the masses and quickly grabbed the second last pink Leapster on the rack.
Yeah woo! good choice.
no, make that great choice.
Lulu loves it and it was a total hit.
It's small and we can take it on trips (if we ever decide to book something) and it is fantastic at restaurants.
find out more about it here.
Also it has encouraged her to use her "computer" while mommy is using her ibook.
It was getting a tad annoying with lulu always asking me to go to the tree-house web site.
sheesh...it's bad enough with one computer-hog in the family a.k.a. big daddy/ face-book addict.
So I had to take desperate measures so that I could carve out a few precious moments on my computer uninterrupted.
A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.
So if you, like me, used to be a nay sayer when it comes to electronic gadgets for tots...well....all I can say is that I am a Leapster convert.
oh and hello, if anyone from Leapfrog is reading this...um a certain somebody would LOVE the Scooby Doo spooky snacks game.
Just thought I'd put it out there ;
I should check it out. I think the whole cake thing is hilarious!
I'm always being asked by my two-year-old to go to YouTube to watch cartoon hippos. Leapster sounds like a good investment.
Those cupcakes look deeeelicious! If leapster buys me 5 extra minutes of time to myself, I may just go for it. How's that for good parenting?
I am one of those naysayers, too, but our girl is into buttons and beads to string right now, and hey, we have my little Ponies, so it's not like I can get snobby about plastic toys!
I am loving the look of those cupcakes!
I've heard so many good things about those... looks like we'll be investing in one when our time comes. We have Leap Frog radio alphabet thingie right now that is a total party for Jack... he even does his ABC's with it. I can't believe it... and it's probably the loudest most annoying thing in the universe. Anyway, it still surprises me that that stuff works so well.
On a completely different note, I'm glad Lulu got her cake fix... sometimes a girl's gotta have some cake!
We got the V-Smile for our tv and Matt loves it.
We're going to Florida in the summer, and we're thinking of getting a Leapster for that trip.
We weren't sure if he'd enjoy video games (or if we should promote them) but I'm shocked by what the child knows.
He refuses to tell me his letters but shouts them at the tv.
And, seriously, it beats watching Treehouse.
We haven't got these yet but it is on my list. I suppose I need to buy two or they will be whining and fighting.
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