Wednesday, January 07, 2009

off to a good start

I find myself embracing my inner Cannuck these first cold days of 2009.
We've gone skating, hiking in the snow, tobogganing and trying to soak up the sunny skies and crisp (okay really freakin' crisp) air for the past few days.
If ya can't beat 'em...
It feels so good to spend time outside.
I love it regardless of how many layers I have to put on before leaving the house.
That's not to say that flip flops and a purse would be far preferable...but what are ya gonna do?
Lulu of course is in heaven.
She's a great little skater- much improvement since last year.
and well who doesn't love sliding down an icy hill on a shiny new sled?
But the real bonus about winter is the hot chocolate.
Only it's not exactly hot "chocolate" per say.
I found some Vitasoy peppermint chocolate the other day and it's de-licious.
It's organic, gluten, lactose and dairy free and a hit.
Though something tells me that the mini marshmallows (that didn't last long enough to make it into this shot) are not Organic.
Or really that good for you.
ah well, what's wrong with a little modified corn starch, sugar, dextrose and terrassodium phrophosphate from time to time?

Okay maybe I'm taking these new years resolutions a liitle too seriously.
I know I wanted to be more positive...but embracing the winter?? W.T.F.??

right...isn't the snow pretty?
and I love shovelling it's such good exercise and a great way to get to know your neighbours...
and it's an adventure driving while sliding all over the road...
and I really really enjoy putting lulu in a snow suit....really fun. honest.


Betsy Mae said...

I couldn't agree with you more, I especially LOVE when I get the girls all bundled up into their snowsuits, boots on, hats, mittens, scarves...and then they tell me that they have to pee. Oh, such fun.

Unknown said...

Yes, I hear you. I hate the cold, but I am Canadian, and so, we are buying Bee her first pair of skates on the weekend, and hitting the rink.

And we have already gotten some good mileage on the toboggan this year. Nothing like watching Dove as she squeals with joy discovering a great Canadian pasttime.

amanda said...

Believe it or not, I actually miss it. Especially the the cold, wet feet. No really, I do miss it. It's just weird to wear a t-shirt in January.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the winter kick! My son just started skating lessons a few weeks back. It's inspiring to see his determination. No matter how many times he falls, he just bounces back up again.

kittenpie said...

I have to say, I don't mind the cold and the layers so much, it's fighting through the snow banks to just get somewhere that is getting me down. yesterday, I found myself carrying about 50 lbs of stroller and baby over the mountains that build up at the street corners, even with the big-wheeled stroller. Today, we took the sled. Still, I was counting the three months left of winter.

Karen MEG said...

Snow is really beautiful, but having lived in the city, it can be pretty nasty, I know. Shovelling, it's a great way to get mad at your neighbours too :).

Tania said...

I'm not winter's biggest fan, but I do have an appreciation for frozen dog poo when it comes time to clean the yard.