A few months ago I received a special gift in the mail.
At first I wasn't sure who it was from nor exactly what it was.
Then I opened up this beautiful magazine and carefully savoured each and every page.
In fact, some pages actually reduced me to tears.
Such touching stories and such beautiful images.
I am so blown away that someone would do something so kind as to just spontaneously buy a subscription of this magazine out of the blue for us.
Just because.
I love random acts of kindness- but really, how often do they happen?
Not very.
So what a nice unexpected surprise.
These friends are some of the most positive and kind people we know.
Unfortunately, they have had a very very tough year.
Everything from job loss, a house fire, family health scares and sadly even more loss and personal challenges.
But I don't think I have ever heard them complain.
Not once.
On the contrary, they are always so positive and upbeat.
And dare I say- grateful.
For all that they do have.
I am inspired and yet also a little embarrassed, because unlike them I feel like I am the complete opposite.
I always feel like I'm bitching & complaining about something.
It's like the negative Nelly's around here these days.
I'm not sure who is worse big daddy or me.
(I'm thinking Big Daddy)
Why is that I wonder?
Because we have it really really good.
For some reason we are always venting about something or another.
So today I am giving thanks.
Thanks that I have such good & positive people in my life.
Though I don't see them as often as I would like, they inspire me.
You know who you are.
And thank-you for helping me see the everyday....