Things have been pretty busy- but in a really good way.
I love this time of year, fresh starts and new beginnings.
Big daddy & I have had a bit of a hard go of things over the winter- bickering and generally getting on each other's nerves.
Though I doubt this is that unusual for most couples with three year olds constantly interrupting them and never really allowing any down time for mommy & daddy.
Not that we both don't adore sweet Lulu- but it's been tough.
It also seems like every other week we keep hearing about couples we know splitting up.
Scary stuff and also a bit of a wake up call.
Never take anything for granted- especially not a good marriage.
We had a long talk a few weeks ago about making some changes.
About making our marriage as much of a priority as everything else in our lives- if not more so.
Because without that- everything else starts to crumble.
It's the foundation of our family and it should trump everything else.
No matter how cute and adorable she might be..
But- as anyone who has been married (for almost 9 years!!!) knows, it takes work.
and spending time alone together is crucial.
So my most amazing parents offered to take Lulu for a few days spontaneously and give us some much needed time alone together.
As much as we missed her (sort of...okay not so much....okay maybe a little....) we had a great time just the two of us.
We went out for dinner twice- because we could!
we had drinks late into the night with friends- because we could!
we slept in two mornings in a row- who knew 8 a.m. would ever be considered sleeping in?...whatever- it was heaven.
we went for dessert one night past 9 p.m.- because we could!
we-as in me- drank lots of wine and threw caution to the wind- because I could!
we stayed in and barbecued and made a ton of noise past 8 p.m. because we could!
Lulu had a ton of fun at my parents as usual, so I felt totally relaxed and confident that she was in great hands.
As a result, things feel much more balanced around here.
well except maybe for the need to now re-program Lulu after almost 4 days with her grandparents.
They are so amazing with her, that they might just be a little too amazing.
She is now demanding 100% of our attention at all times- because that's what grandma & grandpa do.
So today was a wee bit challenging to say the least.
At one point we were out and about doing some errands.
The first errand being, stopping to get Lulu an ice cream cone.
Everything seemed fine and dandy for a few brief moments.
Then when we stopped for a coffee for oh...a minute-she decided she HAD to go pet a dog outside of the coffee shop.
I told her to wait as we were waiting for our coffee.
she ignores me and tries to bolt for the door-which is kind of out of character for her- but like I said- re-program time.
So I gently hold her by the arm and say "one sec sweetie, when daddy gets his coffee we can go pet the doggie"
she screams- and I mean screams- "YOU BROKE MY ARM!!!!! IT'S BLEEDING!!!!!!"
um, can you say mortified?
Where did she even come up with that line?
Do Max & Ruby have crazy physically violent fights that I know nothing about?
Did I mention how nice it was to get a break?
My parents
I love you Mom & Dad- not that they know about this blog- but still.
They really are the best.
So here's to spring and fresh starts and new beginnings- which hopefully includes being quiet, polite and patient while waiting with mommy & daddy in our local coffee shop.
oooohhhhhh i'm very very envious that you got that much alone time. yes, excellent parents indeed. bert and i haven't had an overnight alone since a year ago january when it was difficult to get two nights out of my parents (and was for work), and we haven't been out alone on a date (unless you count four months ago for a work function) in about nine months. makes me feel sorry for myself.
Glad you had some Lulu-free time. I sometimes feel guilty about how often I leave my 3yo with my mother, but I really do believe I am saner for it.
This situation you've described sounds ohhh so familiar. I think that this period in our lives is probably the most difficult. Toddlers/preschoolers are very challenging and are constantly pushing their boundaries - but really just trying to establish what the boundaries are.
It's so important that we attend to your marriages - after all, that relationship is the reason for the child. I'm glad to hear that you guys were able to have some much needed time to each other. Sounds like fun... wish we were neighbors ;)
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