I am so out of sorts these past few days.
for the past few nights I could barely keep my eyes open past 9 p.m. and tonight I am completely wired and unable to fall asleep.
Not sure what's up with my internal clock- but I'm finding it a bit frustrating.
I love my 7-8 hours per night and I'm not happy when anything messes with it.
I can't imagine suffering from insomnia all the time- I think I would go crazy.
So instead of tossing & turning I've decided to write down what's on my mind and purge all the to-do's swirling around in my head.
Or not.
I'm too tired to bother.
Maybe it's the daylight savings time?
Or maybe it's my wonderfully considerate husband who stays up much later than me, and when he comes "creeping" (like a herd of elephants) down the hall into our room and gets into bed, immediately starts snoring loud enough to shake the pictures from the walls?
Or maybe it was that green tea I had at 5 p.m.?
Anyhow, hopefully after writing this bunch of nonsense, eating a banana and saying a silent prayer to the sleep gods-I'll be entering the land of nod soon.
night night...
You could try deciphering the above two comments here. That might help you sleep.
I love Mac and Cheese's comment!!
Sleeplessness sucks. Experiencing a bit of it myself at the moment (and not all down to the bubba). Hopefully you (and I) will be back happily in the land of nod SOON!!
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