Is there anything worse than a sick child?
poor Lulu had a doozy of a virus and ear infection all week.
She's on the mend..finally.
But what a hellish week it was.
I'm just so grateful that for the most part she is healthy and resilient.
My heart goes out to those parents that aren't so fortunate.
I really can't imagine.
It was a bit of a wake-up call and reminder of how precious she is to me.
just feeling her tiny body burning up with such a high fever and watching her moan in pain while her little eyes were glazed over, broke my heart.
Not to mention made my maternal instincts really kick into high gear.
I don't think I have slept more than 6 hours total since Saturday.
but thanks to our (flawed) but pretty amazing health care system, we got into see our pediatrician immediately and a dose or two or amoxycilin she is almost back to her usual sweet and tenacious self.
Now if only I could just get over this damn cold....
what misery when one's child is sick. And what a relief when they are better.
you to. get better soon...
Poor little thing. Hope she feels better soon soon.
awwww, poor sweet girl. may your weekend be restful and calm.
Oh dear.
I hope she gets better soon.
It's heart breaking to watch your little one sick.
Last time Matt was sick I felt so helpless. But I think attention and love really does help (so does Motrin!)
Oh, poor wee thing. So sad, the corners of her mouth pulling into a pout even in her sleep. Hope she gets better soon. (And that you don't have it next.)
What a picture of her, with those little corners of her mouth pulled down...poor thing. Glad to hearthat she got better and hope you recover quickly as well...
Oh, that picture makes me want to swoop in and put a cold cloth on her forehead...poor little lambie.
So sad yet so sweet.
That picture is so sweet. Poor little thing. Just want to hug her. Don't you just feel so bad for them when they're sick? Hope she's feeling better!
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