Why is it, that the more time you have, the less you seem to accomplish?
The opposite holds true as well.
For me the more I have on my plate, the more I seem to get done.
Once the wheels are in motion....
The past few weeks I've been trying to take advantage of the fact that for the first time in almost 6 months all of us are feeling healthy.
Me especially. Yay!
I've been trying to get as much spring cleaning done at home while the weather is still not great.
Because once the leaves turn green and the sun starts shining I don't plan on spending much time inside.
Not after this winter from hell. No-siree.
A major case of cabin fever set in during the month of Jan/Feb and now that I'm feeling like myself I want to purge everything in the house.
If I haven't used it in a year, sayonara.
So long junk.
So I've been on a mission to get rid of "stuff".
Where does it all come from?
Yeah yeah, I know I'm a big consumer...someone has to help keep the economy going strong...
And hey it's kind of part of my job.
But seriously I have no idea why on earth I have so many glass vases?
I love fresh cut flowers but do I really need around 40 or so?
So I've edited it down to around 12ish..various sizes and shapes.
Much better.
And really, I love various types of olive oils and vinegar's, but things were really getting out of hand in the ol' condiment cupboard.
Do I really need 4 four different types of sesame oil?
Besides, that stuff does have an expiration date.
Hey...maybe that's why I've been feeling like crap all winter...
Damn that Pad Thai I made last September!
So I chucked a ton of half bottles etc.... and it feels so much more organized.
I think it had been at least four years (as in, when we moved in) since I cleaned out this particular cupboard.
And I always thought of myself as a neat freak.
Now when we have friends over I can say "come on in, can I get you a drink? hey check out the olive oil cupboard....."
Ah the life of a busy house wife.....have things really gotten that pathetic that cleaning out a kitchen cabinet or organizing a storage room makes my day??!
now what else can I organize?