It's only a few weeks into winter (weather) and I'm already starting to feel the cabin fever setting in.
I've been frantically trying to sign Lulu up for winter programs starting in January so that
a) she has fun and it gives her something to do when the weather outside is frightful
b) she learns new skills and makes new little friends
c) so that I don't go stark raving mad and find myself sneaking sips of vodka at 3 in the afternoon.
you can only bake so many cookies and do so many crafts if ya know what I mean.
Just found out that soon will be the time to sign up for March break activities too.
I'm so on it this year.
Until then, it just me, Lulu, and our copious amounts of crayons, glitter glue, pipe cleaners, and other craftish paraphernalia.
good times.
We are into heavy craft productions here on the weekend as well as baking!!
My kid won't even do crafts. I have to get crackin' on programs too!
Cute craft there!
I am so not on top of it these days I was thinking I would be lucky to get organised for next summer!
Yes, crafts... I must do something with this child besides watch TV. Thank goodness for preschool... which we'll have a three week break from in December - ouch! So yeah, I definitely need to get some crafty stuff.
Thanks for the reminder! I have to sign up my 3 year old for pre-kinder and kinder corner in January. UGH, hope there are some spots left!
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