It's interesting how kids move in and out of phases- or in Lulu's case- obsessions.
Last year it was dogs dogs and more dogs.
It was her favourite thing to play and talk about.
She would beg us for one every day.
we told her that when she turned five we would get her one.
Well...her 5th birthday has come and gone and still no fido here at casapetitegourmand.
but the main reason being that some time around say 6 months ago she just sort of stopped being so dog obsessed.
She still LOVES dogs- don't get me wrong, but she no longer asks us for one constantly, nor does she bark when being spoken to or walk around the house on all fours drinking water out of a bowl on the floor.
kidding...well sort of...
Maybe it had something to do with "seeing people picking up dog poop with their hands mama!"
When she realized that the movie Dog Hotel is not actually real- and no toilet training for dogs would realistically be possible- she started having second thoughts.
Anyhow I'm sure we will eventually get her the dog we promised.
The truth is, both big daddy & I would love to have a family pet again.
I grew up with dogs, he grew up with cats.
So we both think it would be nice for Lulu to know what it's like to have a pet growing up.
Just not yet.
We will know when the time is right I guess.
Fortunately it's no longer on the top of the list for Lulu and she is more than thrilled with her Zhu Zhu fake hamster.
As am I.
oh and I forgot to post about it, but Lulu's 4th birthday party was featured in Canadian Family Magazine May issue.
and is also up on the main home page at the moment.
so check it out.
ruff. ruff.
Let's just hope that her new love of horses subsides before her next birthday party....
Wow. That party looks amazing. Big round of applause for Mama.
We went through a big dog phase around here too, but M recruited her sister to play the game as well, so I had two whiny, barking things licking my leg. (ew)
Holy amazing party favours! Nice job!
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