Wednesday, August 29, 2012

long time no see

It seems as though the friends we have the most fun with are the friends that we see the least.
A year or more will go by and there will be people we haven't been able to get together with because life just gets in the way.
Well that, and for some reason all of our favourite friends live on the other end of the city.
I know..Toronto isn't that big, but still, proximity often becomes one more obstacle to overcome.

Then again, we have friends two streets away and we still haven't seen them in ages. (yes you henny ;)
But the nice thing is that when we finally do see one another, it's as though it was yesterday and we all just ease into fun conversation and plenty of laughs.
It's always so easy and effortless.

There are a few different couples (now families) that big daddy & I have been friends with for years and this always seems to be the case.
It's so hard to get everyone together, but when we finally do, I always say- we really have to hang out with you guys more often. It's been far too long!

Then another year or more will fly by...

It's difficult to find families where everyone gets along and that you feel a genuine kinship with.
So when you do, you appreciate it all the more.
Speaking of which, we had dinner at some friends last weekend and had such a lovely time.
The kids had a blast, the food was so delicious and the company was mentioned above...easy and effortless.
My kind of night.
Life does get busy but it should never be too busy to get together with the ones who make you feel the most like yourself.

Thanks again for a great night Leila. so much fun..xo

Lisa & Janet hope to see you lovely ladies soon too.
we miss you guys!

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