as previously mentioned, we were in nyc for the weekend.
I haven't been since lulu was born and I really needed a fix.
I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about taking lulu to new york.
My parents have offered many times to look after her for a weekend, but we really wanted to take her with us.
plus, in all honestly,I still can't handle more than a few hours away from her at a time.
I just can't get enough of her.
I guess I was worried that it would be more work than fun.
I was wrong.
the flight was a breeze.
the hotel was excellent, and provided us with a brand new crib. she loved it.
we decided to stay midtown instead of union square, because we wanted to be close to central park, for lulu.
as far as her nap schedule (which I have mastered...well at least for now) was fine.
we usually had breakfast and she would snooze in the stroller for a few hours (perfect shoe shopping time for mommy)
then she would just wake up and start smiling at pretty much everyone in manhattan, oh, and blowing kisses.
we went to all the usual suspects.
FAO schwartz. which was so much fun, she scored some good loot let me tell you.
American Girl. dolls dolls and more dolls. we actually had lunch in their cafe, which was pretty cute.
I think there was one poor little boy in the restaurant. it was a full on estrogen-fest.
they didn't even have men's washrooms! poor kid.
big daddy was a trooper for putting up with that place. think pink and flower power.
I think secretly he was loving every minute of it. or at least loving watching lulu go into mini spasms of excitement.
we went to the central park zoo and bryant park. that was definitely the highlight of the weekend.
we didn't venture down to Soho or the meat packing district like the good ol' days for dinner,
we just found a few places close to the hotel (44th & 5th Ave.) which was much easier than dealing with jumping in and out of cabs.
actually we would go back to the hotel around 5ish, feed lulu dinner, give her a bath and put her in her pj's.
then we would head out for dinner at around 7ish, walk a few blocks until she fell asleep, then have a long and relaxed dinner with her all cozy and sleeping peacefully beside us in her stroller.
we managed to do this three nights in a row!
I'm talkin' pre dinner cocktails, appetizers, dinner, wine AND dessert and coffee.
this was amazing to us.
we might have to try this here at home.
why haven't we tried this before??
anyhow we really had such a great time.
just the three of us, no other relatives (which is the case with most of our out of town trips)
not that there is anything wrong with visiting family, but it was kind of romantic to just be together on our 6th anniversary including lulu.
travelling with her is such a joy. It's like we are experiencing everything for the first time through her eyes.
she even does a little whoosh sign with her tiny hand for airplane. too cute.
also having a child with you seems to make you more open to talking to people everywhere.
so I had the best anniversary yet (and we have had some really great ones)
but mostly thanks to the most amazing partner any girl could hope for.
thanks big daddy.
you're the best.
happy anniversary. xo
It sounds like you had the dream mini vacation in nyc. My little one, who will be 12 months this Saturday, has already taken 5 flights with us since his grandparents live in Montreal and Florida. It takes a little bit of planning ahead, but babies are more flexible than we think.
That sounds like perfection! I am glad you had such a wonderful trip to nyc. Now I am craving a fix...
Happy, happy anniversary!!
hey cheryl,
happy 1st to your little one!
it's such a sweet b-day.
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